Corlytics Group

Award Year: 2023

Category: Fintech

Nomination: Outstanding Regtech Provider

Contact Clausematch

Corlytics Group was created in 2023 as a result of strategic acquisition of Clausematch by Corlytics to expand product offerings of two leading global RegTech companies covering the entire regulatory value chain from horizon scanning to policy management. Clausematch’s cutting-edge platform sits at the core of compliance management and empowers companies to collaborate, create, manage and review different types of compliance documents, in real time, with a complete audit trail and live insights, leading to more robust governance, avoiding fines and reputational damage, while cutting compliance costs by up to 30%. While Corlytics, plugged directly into international regulators, is the only solution that enables clients to align with, and stay ahead of, regulatory demands that now include growing levels of proof of compliance.